~Our Leadership Today~
We live in a world today where truth is not necessary the goal for many. Lies are becoming the beautiful new truth and the truth is becoming the ugly lie. There was a time when the truth was spoken even if it caused hurt or embarrassment to to person speaking it. But, it seems as though that day is gone. At least for many.
I watch and listen to the news so much until I'm hesitant to turn on my television or radio. Racism, Bigotry, Hatred, Sexual Harassment, Lies, Deceit, Favoritism and Revenge heads up our news.
From the office of The President of the United States of America, it's Congress, Senate and men running for government seats are entering races with blemishes of sexual misconduct hanging over their heads. I, like you, am tired of cowardly politicians who do what's politically expedient instead of what's morally right. Please hear this, injustice done to others because of the color of their skin or their economic status, God will deal with that... TRUST Me!!!
Where does it end? What do we tell our children? is the truth ugly and has a lie become beautiful?
One thing to remember, when a lie is told, you better have a good memory, because if you don't, it will bite you in the butt.
I am also amazed of the memory loss of so many men in leadership roles, when they are questioned concerning certain subjects. But then later, a news flash comes across the T.V. screen, and it is playing a statement made by these men, that came from their mouths. Statements that they have forgotten or selectively refuse to remember.
Listen, it doesn't matter if you are a Democrat, Republican or an Independent... the truth will always surface to the top sooner or later, just like good cream.
When I was in my twenties there was an old Preacher, named Rev. Dunlap. He was speaking at Hunter Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia on this particular Sunday. The title of his sermon:
"You Might Get By, But You Will Never Get Away."
I believe that sermon to be true today!!! If you don't believe what I'm Saying, read the book of 1st Kings, chapters 21:1 - 22:40 in there bible. There was a sermon I recall preached by Dr. R.G. Lee over 40 year ago when I first heard it. This sermon is much older than that. The Sermon is titled: "
Payday Someday." You can also find that sermon on You Tube.
As I continue to watch the news, and I hear of the women coming forth about sexual misconduct of men in leadership, and they were of object of these men, I can only smile and say Payday has come.
Leo Tolstoy said it better: Hear are a few quotes that fit this article:
- "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself".
- "The two most powerful warriors are patience and time".
- "Though the wheel of God grinds slow, it grinds exceedingly sure, God will make everything right".
- "Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it".
The sole meaning of life is to serve and obey God and to serve humanity.
If you are wondering why these women are coming out now to reveal what happened to them years ago, God's timing is always perfect!!!
Things to Ponder:
- "Sometimes lies are more dependable than the truth." To some...
- "If you don't want to slip up tomorrow, speak the truth today." __Bruce Lee
- "The difference between the truth and a lie is that both of them can hurt, but only one will take the time to heal you afterward."
Lastly, There is some truth in a lie that is not seem by most. And, it is about to be revealed in two words:
Fear and
Cowardliness. Those words are two of lie's main ingredients.
There is power in accepting the truth in who I am and who you are. It may not be a truth that others can accept, but I find it difficult to live any other way. How would it be to live a lie every minute of your life and having to remember the last lie that you told, so you don't slip and tell the truth?
The truth most times is revealed at the wrong time but at the right moment!
Truth never dies!!! And the life of a lie has a time-limit!
~*These are my thoughts ... I welcome yours*~